JOURNAL OF INDONESIAN TROPICAL FISHERIES (JOINT-FISH) : Jurnal Akuakultur, Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Tangkap dan Ilmu Kelautan
<p><strong>JOURNAL OF INDONESIAN TROPICAL FISHERIES (JOINT-FISH): </strong>Jurnal akuakultur, teknologi dan manajemen perikanan tangkap dan Ilmu kelautan memuat hasil-hasil penelitian/kajian yang meliputi aspek teknologi, manajemen dan kebijakan perikanan, pesisir, laut dan pulau-pulau kecil.</p> <p>Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh <em><strong>Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Muslim Indonesia</strong></em> Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan dengan jadwal penerbitan 2 (dua) kali dalam satu tahun (bulan Juni dan Desember) dengan tujuan menyebarluaskan informasi hasil-hasil penelitian tentang Akuakultur dan perkembangan Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Tangkap, Ilmu Kelautan, kebijakan pembangunan perikanan dan kelautan antara lain; teknologi dan manajemen budidaya perairan, pembenihan, teknologi dan manajemen perikanan tangkap, ekominawisata, sosial ekonomi perikanan, kewirausahaan/agribisnis, penanganan dan pengolahan hasil perikanan, pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil, bioteknologi kelautan, instrumentasi kelautan, penginderaan jauh.</p> <p>Naskah yang dimuat dalam jurnal ini terutama berasal dari penelitian maupun kajian konseptual yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dan staf pengajar/akademisi dari berbagai universitas di Indonesia, para peneliti di berbagai bidang lembaga pemerintahan dan pemerhati masalah perikanan, kelautan dan pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil.</p>Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Muslim Indonesia Makassar, Sulawesi Selatanen-USJOURNAL OF INDONESIAN TROPICAL FISHERIES (JOINT-FISH) : Jurnal Akuakultur, Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Tangkap dan Ilmu Kelautan2655-4461Analisis Pemanfaatan Kawasan Wisata Pantai Berbasis Kesesuaian Lahan dan Daya Dukung Lingkungan di Pantai Kuri Kabupaten Maros Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
<p>Kuri Beach Tourism Nisombalia Village has great potential in attracting tourists, management and development. Management that does not pay attention to the carrying capacity aspect of the area causes environmental quality to decrease, this is the main attraction. This study aims to assess the land suitability and carrying capacity of Kuri Beach tourism in Nisombalia Village, Marusu District, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi. The research method employed land suitability and carrying capacity analysis through field observations and measurements of beach biophysical parameters. Results indicate that Kuri Beach has a suitability level of 71.25% for beach recreation activities (S2 category), 76.47% for relaxation activities (S2 category), and 79.48% for swimming activities (S2 category). The area's carrying capacity can accommodate 400 people per day for relaxation, 106 people for beach recreation, and 40 people for swimming. Tourist perceptions reveal that 90% consider the beach beautiful and 79.20% feel comfortable. The research recommends enhancing tourism promotion, developing tourist facilities, and limiting visitors during weekends to ensure area sustainability. The success of tourism development depends on government policy support and active community participation in preserving the beach environment.</p>Abdul AzisMuhammad KasnirAsbar Asbar
<p><em>Sero fishing gear is a fishing tool for several types of fish that have crocodile activities in mangrove areas by relying on the tides of the waters. What needs to be considered regarding the sustainability of the fishing gear starts from the ecological, economic, technological, social and institutional approaches. This study aims to see the sustainability status of the sero tagkap tool in Labakkang District, Pangkep Regency by using the interview method from expert respondents and analyzed using multidimensional Rapfish. The results of Rapfish's analysis for the ecological dimension have 3 leverage factors, namely; changes in catch size, bycatch and diversity of catches. For the economic dimension, there are 4 leverage factors, namely; production of catches, average income of fishermen, sources of livelihood and dependence on subsidies. In the technological dimension, there are 2 leverage factors, namely the place where the fish land and the growth of the fishing fleet. The social dimension has 2 leverage factors, namely the frequency of conflicts and the welfare of fishermen. The institutional dimension has 3 leverage factors, namely the existence of rules, fishermen groups, and fishermen's cooperatives. The multidimensional sero fishery shows an average figure of 65.37%, which means that the sustainability status of sero fisheries in Labakkang District, Pangkep Regency is quite sustainable</em>.</p>Herianto SuriadinAsbar AsbarMuhammad Jamal Alwi
2025-02-032025-02-0381142610.33096/joint-fish.v8i1.579PERTUMBUHAN DAN PRODUKSI Caulerpa lentillifera YANG DIBERI MIKROORGANISME LOKAL (MOL) ECENG GONDOK
<p><em>Caulerpa lentillifera seaweed is a seaweed that has high economic value and is widely loved by people in the country and abroad. However, the production of Caulerpa lentillifera itself has not been sufficient because it is seasonal. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to increase the production of Caulerpa sp. by applying fertilizer in its cultivation. This study aims to determine the dosage (MOL) of water hyacinth that can provide the best growth and production as well as to determine the nutritional quality of Caulerpa sp. This study used a Complete Randomized Design (RAL) with 4 treatments and 3 replicates, with each MOL administered; Treatment A (control), Treatment B (5 mL MOL/L water), Treat-ment C (6 mL MOL/L water), and Treatment D (7 mL MOL/L water). The data was ana-lyzed by the ANOVA Test and continued by the Duncan Test. that the administration of MOL water hyacinth with a dose of 6 mL MOL/L of water was the best dose for the growth, production, and nutritional quality of Caulerpa lentillifera. Water hyacinth in Caulerpa lentillif-era can exert markedly different effects on absolute growth, specific growth rate, produc-tion, moisture content, protein, crude fat, crude fiber, BETN, and ash. The best treatment is C treatment (6 ml MOL/L water). </em></p>Arliani ARAndi AsniIlmiah Ilmiah